Warne lashes out at Prior for mocking Lyon

During the Leeds Test, Lyon made a costly error on the fourth day of the match when he missed a run-out opportunity, allowing Ben Stokes and Jack Leach to complete a record run-chase and level the series 1-1.

Prior, who has a history with Lyon after the latter attacked him during a press conference before the 2017/18 Ashes, took a jibe at the off-spinner for his mistake and tweeted Lyon's name next to the eyes emoji.

He was, however, taken to task by Warne who immediately came to Lyon's defense and tweeted: "Excuse me? Just because Lyon knocked you over for fun, there's still no need for that kind of silly and immature behaviour. Grow up, and enough of those stupid comments. Let's celebrate the wonderful game of Test cricket & the Ashes please."

Warne also lashed out at English club cricketer Chris Adams, who joined Prior in poking fun at the Australian media for not accepting the defeat gracefully.

"Always been the case," tweeted Adams in response to Prior's tweet.

To this, Warne said: "We should all be celebrating Test cricket and Ben Stokes plus the Ashes. It's ridiculous these cheap shots, just unnecessary! I'm all for banter and fun. I gave it and took it. But this is just ridiculous and childish from Matt Prior and the club cricketer Adams - spare me and enough!

Former England captain Michael Vaughan also asked Prior not to mock Lyon. "No need at all Matt," he said.

The two teams will face each other in the fourth Ashes Test beginning September 4 at the Old Trafford.

from Sify.com
